My good friends Nancy Lee and Kiran Bhumber have been working on UNION for the better part of the last two years. This project really highlights all the skills they’ve researched and developed over the length of their careers so far, I’m so proud and excited for them and how this exhibition has and will continue to push their art further.
If you haven’t already, you have until June 5th to check out the exhibition in person at the Richmond Art Gallery.
Some of my favourite aspects of UNION included the traditionally inspired custom red wedding dresses, the meticulously 3D scanned and printed sculpture, and the interactive projection mapped experience in the back. If you have an opportunity to see it in person, you simply must; viewing it online does not give you the same experience.
Congratulations my friends, you’re both so talented and deserve all the success in the world!

It is the year 3000. The nation state has collapsed, and viral air pollution limits habitable space and physical contact. Following a year-long worldwide blackout resulting from airpocalypse induced cyber warfare in 2024, all digitized information has been lost, and most print materials have been used for fuel. Humans seek refuge indoors, physically isolated but connected via the new cyberworld. Touch is forbidden, and intimacy is only encouraged through simulated experiences in the cyberworld.
– UNION: Nancy Lee and Kiran Bhumber

Vanessa Tam is a Vancouver, Canada based photographer, writer and digital marketer that’s currently open to new projects. Hit her up with your ideas; let’s work together!